These prints are 10 inches by 12 inches (Truth/Emet is 11x13 and Picthu Li is 7x9). They are in the tradition of a shiviti. A shiviti is a visual aid using Hebrew letters for meditation and contemplation. In these days of senseless violence against humanity, the earth, and truth, I hope these small windows provide a moment of calm and courage. They are all available for $180, a portion of each sale to Tzedakah.

The World Exists Only From Kindness, 10x12 Screen Print. This is Rashi script. Rashi script or Sephardic script , is a typeface for the Hebrew alphabet based on 15th-century Sephardic semi-cursive handwriting. Rashi quotes Tehillim 89:3 in his commentary on Pirke Avot, "Loving Kindness."

Ana Avda d'Kudasha Brikh Hu
10x12 Screen Print
Zohar. Inspired by Rabbi Arthur Green

Learn to Do Good, 10x12 Screen Print
Isaiah 1:17, Haftorah Devarim

Understand, 10x12 Screen Print
From the Siddur, Ahava Raba

Judah HaLevi, 10x12 Screen Print, pen and ink
From a piyyut, ana emtsaeka,12th Century

Elu v’Elu 2021, 10x12 Screen Print
These and These (are the words of the Creator of all life)
Talmud: Eruvin 13b

All The World is a Narrow Bridge 2021, 10x12 Screen Print
Nachman of Bratzlav

As the Garden So the Gardener, 10x12 Screen Print
Bereshit Rabba 80:1

Pitchu Li, Open To Me the Gates of Justice, 7x9 Screen Print. In memory of Rabbi Alan Lew z"l
Truth/Emet, 11x13 Screen Print
Inspired by the quilt artists of Gees Bend