How Can This Be? 2023. Screen print, 13X18 inches.

Alef Bet Wisdom 2023. Screen print, 13X18 inches.
The Sages said to Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: Young students came to the study hall and said things not said even in the, days of Joshua bin Nun
alef beit – elaf bina – learn wisdom
gimmel dalet – gemol dalim – give to the poor
Why is the leg of the gimmel extended toward dalet?
It is the way of one who bestows loving-kindness to pursue the poor
Why is the leg of the dalet extended toward gimmel?
One will make themselves available to another
Why does the dalet face away from the gimmel?
One should give discreetly so that the other will not be embarrassed

Heal Her 2023. Screen print, 13X18 inches.

Jewish LearningWorks 125th Anniversary Poster 2023. Archival Digital Print, 12X18 inches.

Truth Rises 2, 2021, Screen print., 15x20 inches.
Psalm 85:11

Facing Immigrants / Facing Ourselves,
2019. Screen print, 15 x 20 inches

Judah HaLevi, 2021, 15x20 Screen Print, Screen print.

Hide the Outcast, 2021. Screen print. 15x20 inches.
Louis De Groot (1929-2020) was a hidden Jewish child in the Netherlands. When he entered the home of Dirk and Ann Onderweegs he saw these words in needle point from Isaiah 16:3, "Hide the outcasts, do not betray the fugitive."15x20